Ex Parte LOBLEY et al - Page 3

              Appeal No. 2001-2055                                                                   Page 3                 
              Application No. 08/750,870                                                                                    

              be used for other call attempts, "which may then fail for lack of available capacity."                        
              (Spec. at 4.)                                                                                                 

                     In contrast, the disclosed invention enables a mobile user terminal to request a                       
              call or other service directly from a service processor, without involving a switch unless                    
              the service processor instructs the switch to participate.  (Id.)  The initial call or service                
              set-up uses signaling channels only, deferring the establishment and allocation of traffic                    
              channels until an associated request is validated.  (Id. at 7.)                                               

                     A further understanding of the invention can be achieved by reading the following                      
                             6. A method of operating a switched mobile telecommunications                                  
                     network, the method being such that all service requests are initially                                 
                     directed from their originating network terminations by establishing a                                 
                     signalling connection to a service processing means, without                                           
                     establishment of a communications connection with a mobile network                                     
                     termination, and the service processing means provides services to a                                   
                     network termination over the signalling connections, the service                                       
                     processing means also controlling switching means to establish a                                       
                     communications connection with the network termination only if required                                
                     by the service requested.                                                                              

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