Ex Parte LOBLEY et al - Page 10

              Appeal No. 2001-2055                                                                  Page 10                 
              Application No. 08/750,870                                                                                    

              reference's system establishes a communications connection between the caller and                             
              the roamer only if the service requested by the roamer was transparent call forwarding.                       
              If the service requested by the roamer was call notification, in contrast, the system will                    
              not establish such a communication connection between the caller and the roamer.                              
              Therefore, we affirm the anticipation rejection of claim 6, and of claims 1-5, 7-10, and                      
              13-21, which fall therewith.                                                                                  

                     In summary, the rejection of claims 1-10 and 13-21 under § 102(e) is affirmed.                         
              "Any arguments or authorities not included in the brief will be refused consideration by                      
              the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences. . . ."  37 C.F.R. § 1.192(a)(2002).                            
              Accordingly, our affirmance is based only on the arguments made in the briefs.  Any                           
              arguments or authorities not included therein are neither before us nor at issue but are                      
              considered waived.  No time for taking any action connected with this appeal may be                           
              extended under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a).                                                                          

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