Ex Parte LOBLEY et al - Page 9

              Appeal No. 2001-2055                                                                   Page 9                 
              Application No. 08/750,870                                                                                    

              they admit that "the Home MTSO site . . . establishes a communication connection                              
              when a call is subsequently made to the intended subscriber. . . ."  (Id. at 3.)                              

                     Furthermore, we find that the aforementioned communications connection                                 
              between the caller and the roamer is established if required by the service requested by                      
              the roamer.  More specifically, when the caller attempts to call the roamer, the                              
              communication connection is established therebetween only if the roamer has                                   
              requested the aforementioned service of transparent call forwarding.  If the roamer has                       
              not requested that service, but has instead requested the service of caller notification,                     
              no communication connection is established between the caller and the roamer.                                 
              Instead, "calls to the roamer will be routed to the VRS 12 located at the home site."  Id.                    
              at ll. 6-7.  "The VRS is programmed to analyze this digit spill and play a message to the                     
              caller which indicates where the roamer is located, and the roamer port access number                         
              that should be used to call the roamer."  Id. at ll. 21-25.  "An example of a message that                    
              would be played is: 'The person that you have called is out of the local area.  If you wish                   
              to reach this person, please call 609-226-7626 in Atlantic City, N.J.'" Id. at ll. 25-28.                     

                     In summary, Sonberg's system directs requests for its call forwarding service and                      
              its call notification service from a roamer to service processing means and responds                          
              thereto via signaling connections.  When a user attempts to call the roamer, the                              

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