Ex Parte LOBLEY et al - Page 7

              Appeal No. 2001-2055                                                                   Page 7                 
              Application No. 08/750,870                                                                                    

                     "Having construed the claim limitations at issue, we now compare the claims to                         
              the prior art to determine if the prior art anticipates those claims."  In re Cruciferous                     
              Sprout Litig., 301 F.3d 1343, 1349, 64 USPQ2d 1202, 1206 (Fed. Cir. 2002).                                    
              "[A]nticipation is a question of fact."  Hyatt, 211 F.3d at 1371, 54 USPQ2d at 1667                           
              (citing Bischoff v. Wethered, 76 U.S. (9 Wall.) 812, 814-15 (1869); In re Schreiber, 128                      
              F.3d 1473, 1477,  44 USPQ2d 1429, 1431 (Fed. Cir. 1997).  "A claim is anticipated . . .                       
              if each and every element as set forth in the claim is found, either expressly or                             
              inherently described, in a single prior art reference."  Verdegaal Bros., Inc. v. Union Oil                   
              Co., 814 F.2d 628, 631, 2 USPQ2d 1051, 1053 (Fed. Cir. 1987) (citing Structural                               
              Rubber Prods. Co. v. Park Rubber Co., 749 F.2d 707, 715, 223 USPQ 1264, 1270                                  
              (Fed. Cir. 1984); Connell v. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 722 F.2d 1542, 1548, 220 USPQ                              
              193, 198 (Fed. Cir. 1983); Kalman v. Kimberly-Clark Corp., 713 F.2d760, 771, 218                              
              USPQ 781, 789 (Fed. Cir. 1983)).                                                                              

                     Here, Sonberg discloses a "cellular telephone system," col. 2, ll. 27-28, which                        
              offers "a variety," id. at l. 9, of services.  Among these services are "transparent call                     
              notification," id. at l. 13, and "caller notification."  Id. at l. 14.  Turning to the limitations at         
              issue, it is uncontested that the reference's cellular telephone system directs requests                      
              for service from a network termination, i.e., "a roamer," col. 3, l. 5,  to service                           
              processing means, which is "shown in FIG. 1," id. at ll. 31-32, via signaling connections                     

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