Ex Parte Hsing - Page 2

              Appeal No. 2003-0868                                                                     2               
              Application No. 09/710,101                                                                               

                      THE INVENTION                                                                                    

              The invention is directed to a high voltage transistor formed on a semiconductor                         
              substrate.  According to the inventors, the transistor includes a spiral resistor on top of a            
              thin oxide layer placed on a semiconductor substrate.  One end of the spiral resistor is                 
              connected to the highest potential of the transistor and the other end is connected to the               
              lowest potential in the resistor.  A drift region underneath the spiral transistor is graded by          
              the presence of a single dopant.  See Brief, page 3.  Additional limitations are described in            
              the following illustrative claim.                                                                        

                                                    THE CLAIM                                                          

              Claim 1 is illustrative of appellant’s invention and is reproduced below.                                

                           1.  A high voltage transistor formed on a semiconductor substrate, the                      
              transistor comprising:                                                                                   
                    a thin gate oxide layer formed over said substrate;                                                
                    a gate formed atop said gate oxide layer;                                                          
                    a drain formed in said substrate and separated from said gate by a drift region;                   
                    a source formed in said substrate adjacent to said gate;                                           
                    a spiral resistor formed atop said gate oxide layer, said spiral resistor located                  
              between said drain and said gate, wherein a first end of said spiral resistor is connected to            
              said drain and a second end of said spiral resistor is connected to said source; and                     
                    wherein said drift region is located in said substrate underneath said spiral resistor             
              and includes at least two dopant zones, each of said dopant zones having different dopant                
              concentrations, further wherein said drift region only includes one type of dopant.                      

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Last modified: November 3, 2007