Ex Parte Hsing - Page 6

              Appeal No. 2003-0868                                                                     6               
              Application No. 09/710,101                                                                               

              Furthermore, based upon the above analysis, we have determined that the                                  
              examiner's legal conclusion of obviousness is not supported by the facts.  "Where the legal              
              conclusion [of obviousness] is not  supported by [the] facts, it cannot stand."  In re                   
              Warner, 379 F. 2d 1011, 1017, 154 USPQ 173, 178 (CCPA 1967), cert. denied,                               
              389 U.S. 1057 (1968).                                                                                    
              Finally, no consideration has been given to the examiner’s reliance upon the Yilmaz                      
              reference as discussed in the Answer on page 6.  The only prior rejection relying on Yilmaz              
              is directed to claims 6 and 14 wherein Yilmaz further teaches multiple zone extension and                
              junction depth.  There is no stated rejection on the record before us wherein Yilmaz                     
              provides further motivation to combine Mojaradi and Roth.  It’s reliance upon by the                     
              examiner on appeal is improper, particularly as there is no ground of rejection wherein                  
              Yilmaz is relied upon as providing motivation to combine Mojaradi and Roth.                              
              A discussion of the tertiary references to Williams and Shekar are not needed in                         
              reaching our decision as they are directed to specific limitations required by dependent                 


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