Ex Parte Hsing - Page 4

              Appeal No. 2003-0868                                                                     4               
              Application No. 09/710,101                                                                               


              We have carefully considered all of the arguments advanced by the appellant and                          
              the examiner and agree with the appellant that the rejection of the claims under §103(a) is              
              not well founded.  Accordingly, we reverse the rejections for the reasons discussed herein.              

              The Rejection under § 103(a)                                                                             
              It is the examiner’s position that, “[i]t would have been obvious to one of ordinary                     
              skill in the art at the time the invention was made to incorporate the multiple dopant zones             
              as taught by Roth to Mojaradi’s high voltage transistor with a spiral resistor for the purpose           
              of increasing the output voltage endurance between the gate and drain as taught by Roth                  
              [Roth column 3, lines 25-30].”  See Answer, page 6.  We disagree with the examiner’s                     
              Mojaradi is directed to a high voltage transistor having a spiral transistor connected                   
              between the gate and the drain.  See Figure 2 and Brief, page 4.  Both the examiner and                  
              the appellant agree that Mojaradi does not teach a drift region in the substrate underneath              
              the spiral transistor having different dopant concentrations.  See Answer, page 5 and Brief,             
              page 4.  The examiner accordingly relies upon the teachings of Roth directed to a drift                  
              region having multiple dopant areas, 24, 26 and 28 wherein the lowest dopant area is                     
              closest to the plate and the highest dopant area is closest to the drain to replace the                  
              constant doped drift region of Mojaradi.  See Answer, pages 5 and 6.                                     
              As properly pointed out by the appellant, “the disclosure of the ‘916 patent                             

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