Ex Parte Hsing - Page 5

              Appeal No. 2003-0868                                                                     5               
              Application No. 09/710,101                                                                               

              discloses a counter doping ring 40 that separates two of the lower dopant concentration                  
              rings 28 and 26.”  See Brief, page 7.  The appellant further states that the purpose of the              
              counter doping ring is the purpose of the spiral resistor, i.e., “to increase protection against         

              breakdown in the gate oxide layer 30.”  Id.  The examiner in error, however, relies upon                 
              the appellant’s statement as a concession that, “one of ordinary skill in the art would not              
              incorporate the counterdoping ring of the ‘916 patent into the spiral resistor transistor of             
              the ‘826 patent.” See Answer, Page 12.  Accordingly, the examiner is proposing to                        
              replace the constant doped drift region disclosed by Mojaradi with the drift region                      
              disclosed in the Roth patent, omitting however, the counterdoping region 40 from the                     
              disclosed drift region.  In so doing, the examiner has failed to establish why the person                
              having ordinary skill in the art would have utilized the drift region of Roth while omitting             
              the counterdoping layer, especially as there is no teaching of a spiral resistor in Roth, or             
              indeed any resistor.  Furthermore, the examiner has not explained why would the person                   
              having ordinary skill in the art utilize the drift region of Roth who utilizes no resistor in            
              place of the Mojaradi reference which teaches a spiral resistor.                                         
              Based upon the above finding and analysis, we conclude that the examiner has not                         
              established a prima facie case of obviousness with respect to the aforesaid set of claims.               
              See In re Dembiczak, 175 F.3d 994, 999, 50 USPQ2d 1614, 1617 (Fed. Cir. 1999)                            
              ("[T]he best defense against the subtle but powerful attraction of a hindsight-based                     
              obviousness analysis is rigorous application of the requirement for a showing of the teaching            
              or motivation to combine prior art references.").                                                        

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