Ex Parte Hawkins - Page 14

              Appeal No. 2003-1284                                                                Page 14                 
              Application No. 09/887,179                                                                                  

              Phillips screwdriver bit 79) with a spoke wrench and a bicycle chain tool wherein the                       
              spoke wrench and the bicycle chain tool pivot into Leatherman's channel-shaped                              

                     In view of above determination that the subject matter of claim 6 is obvious over                    
              the applied prior art, we affirm the decision of the examiner to reject claim 6 under                       
              35 U.S.C. § 103.  In accordance with the appellant's grouping of claims, claims 7 to 11                     
              fall with claim 6.  Thus, it follows that the decision of the examiner to reject claim s 7 to               
              11 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 is also affirmed.                                                                  

              Appellant's arguments                                                                                       
                     The appellant argues that a prima facie case of obviousness has not been set                         
              forth since there is no motivation or suggestion in the applied prior art to have modified                  
              Leatherman to arrive at the claimed invention.  We do not agree.  As set forth above,                       
              the teachings of the applied prior art clearly set forth the motivation and suggestion for                  
              an artisan to have modified Leatherman to arrive at the claimed invention.  That                            
              motivation is to provide a multiple tool having both cross-jaw pliers and parallel-jaw                      
              pliers and certain of the auxiliary tools useful to bicyclists.  In our view, Leatherman's                  
              multiple tool shown in the drawings is but one example of a multiple tool falling within                    
              the teachings of Leatherman.  Leatherman's disclosure is suggestive of providing                            

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