Ex Parte Hawkins - Page 7

              Appeal No. 2003-1284                                                                  Page 7                
              Application No. 09/887,179                                                                                  

                     The handle positions at 10A and 11A in Figure 1 correspond with the handle                           
              positions shown in Figure 2.  Each handle 10 and 11 is of channel shape having a pair                       
              of side flanges 14 bent up on opposite edges of web portions 15.  When the handles                          
              are folded together as shown in solid lines in Figure 1 the two channels face each                          
              other and enclose all of the tools contained in the instrument, for storage.  When the                      
              handles are opened to their Figure 2 positions, the two channels face outward away                          
              from each other, making all the tools accessible, as shown.  In this position the web                       
              portions 15 of the two channels are facing each other.                                                      

                     Transverse pivot pins 20 and 21 are mounted in the side flanges 14 at the                            
              connected ends 12 of the two channels.  Cross-jaw pliers 22 are connected to the pivot                      
              pins 20 and 21.  Each of these plier jaws has a nose end 23 with a flat gripping surface                    
              24 intended primarily for gripping thin flat objects, and a shank end 25.  Each shank                       
              end 25 is apertured for pivotal mounting on its associated pivot pin 20 or 21.  The plier                   
              jaws are also equipped with wire cutter blades 26 and serrated concave gripping                             
              portions 27 shaped to grip securely round, square and hex-shaped objects.  The two                          
              jaws are pivotally connected together by pivot 28 solely for rotation about the                             
              longitudinal axis of this pivot.                                                                            

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