Ex Parte Hawkins - Page 9

              Appeal No. 2003-1284                                                                  Page 9                
              Application No. 09/887,179                                                                                  

              and provision is made for accessability of these fingernail grips.  In the handles 10 and                   
              11 the side flanges 14 are cut away at 81 for this purpose.                                                 

                     One side flange 14 of each handle is marked with a scale 95 to provide a ruler                       
              as illustrated in Figure 13.  The other side and the web could also be marked.  To use                      
              the ruler, the cross-jaw plier jaws 22 are closed with the parallel jaws 35 in storage and                  
              the handles are aligned with adjacent ends abutting each other to provide a rule having                     
              a length equal to the combined length of both handles.  In the pocket tool illustrated by                   
              way of example the length of the rule is seven and one-half inches.                                         

              The teachings of Chuang                                                                                     
                     Chuang's invention relates to a tool, and more particularly to a tool combination                    
              for bicycle.  Chuang teaches (column 1, lines 8-13) that:                                                   
                            Typical bicycles comprise a number of elements and parts that are                             
                     required to be fixed and repaired by a number of tools. The user have [sic, has]                     
                     to prepare a number of tools for engaging and disengaging the fastening                              
                     members and for repairing the chains. It is inconvenient to prepare and to retain                    
                     the tools in place.                                                                                  

                     Referring to the drawings, and initially to Figures 1 to 4, a tool combination                       
              comprises a first tool assembly as shown in Figure 1, and a second tool assembly as                         
              shown in Figure 2.  The first tool assembly and the second tool assembly each includes                      
              a number of tools provided therein which are good enough for fixing and repairing all of                    

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