Ex Parte Hawkins - Page 2

              Appeal No. 2003-1284                                                                  Page 2                
              Application No. 09/887,179                                                                                  

                     The appellant's invention relates generally to a multi-function pocket tool which                    
              includes adjustable pliers and other selected tools, and in particular tools for bicycle                    
              maintenance and repair (specification, p. 1).  A copy of the claims under appeal is set                     
              forth in the appendix to the appellant's brief.                                                             

                     The prior art references of record relied upon by the examiner in rejecting the                      
              appealed claims are:                                                                                        
              Leatherman                          4,238,862                           Dec. 16, 1980                       
              Chuang                              5,711,042                           Jan. 27, 1998                       

                     Claims 6 to 11 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over                       
              Leatherman in view of Chuang.                                                                               

                     Rather than reiterate the conflicting viewpoints advanced by the examiner and                        
              the appellant regarding the above-noted rejection, we make reference to the answer                          
              (Paper No. 14, mailed January 9, 2003) for the examiner's complete reasoning in                             
              support of the rejection, and to the brief (Paper No. 13, filed November 25, 2002) and                      
              reply brief (Paper No. 15, filed March 11, 2003) for the appellant's arguments                              

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