Ex Parte Hawkins - Page 15

              Appeal No. 2003-1284                                                                Page 15                 
              Application No. 09/887,179                                                                                  

              different multiple tools for hunters, fishermen, campers, bicyclists motorcyclists and                      
              automobilists and Chuang clearly teaches that a bicyclist's combination tool should                         
              include both a spoke wrench and a bicycle chain tool as well as other bicycle tools.                        
              Accordingly, it is our determination that a prima facie case of obviousness has been set                    
              forth in the rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 103 before us in this appeal.                                      

                     The appellant also argues the deficiencies of each reference on an individual                        
              basis, however, it is well settled that nonobviousness cannot be established by                             
              attacking the references individually when the rejection is predicated upon a                               
              combination of prior art disclosures.  See In re Merck & Co. Inc., 800 F.2d 1091, 1097,                     
              231 USPQ 375, 380 (Fed. Cir. 1986).                                                                         

                     Lastly, the appellant argues that it is not physically possible to add a chain repair                
              tool to Leatherman without removing all of the tools from one of the handles and thus                       
              makes the invention of Leatherman unsuitable for its intended purpose.  There is no                         
              evidence in the record before us in this appeal that adding a chain repair tool to                          
              Leatherman requires removing all of the tools from one of the handles or that such a                        
              change makes the invention of Leatherman unsuitable for its intended purpose.                               
              Attorney argument in a brief cannot take the place of evidence.  In re Pearson, 494                         
              F.2d 1399, 1405, 181 USPQ 641, 646 (CCPA 1974).  Moreover, even if all of the tools                         

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