Ex Parte Skulnick - Page 2

              Interference No. 105,1.25                                                                                       
              Chaffee v. Skulnick                                                                                             
                     A. Introduction                                                                                          
                     This interference between a design patent application and a design patent was declared on                
              July3l,2003. On even date therewith, the administrative patent judge entered an order under                     
              37 CFR § 1.617(a) requiring junior party Chaffee to show cause why judgment should not be                       
              entered against junior party Chaffee on the ground that Chaffee's submission under 37 CFR                       
              § 1.608(b) did not demonstrate a prima facie case that the junior party is entitled to priority.                

              Junior party Chaffee filed a response (Paper No. 13) to the show cause order, and senior party                  
              Skulnick filed a statement under 37 CFR § 1.617(d) (Paper No. 26). An oral hearing was held                     
              on September 17, 2003.                                                                                          
                     B. Findings of fact                                                                                      

                                               The Claims and the Disclosure                                                  
                     I Junior party Thomas A. Chaffee is involved in this interference on the basis of its                    
              design patent application 29/155,070, filed January 31, 2002, titled "BOAT FENDER."                             
                     2. Senior party Steve Skulnick is involved in this interference on the basis of its design               
              Patent No. D 452,466, based on application 29/137,628, filed February 27, 2001, titled "BOAT                    

              FENDER." The patent was issued on December 25, 2001.                                                            
                     3. Junior party's design patent application contains a single claim which reads                          
               I claim the ornamental design for BOAT FENDER, as shown and described."                                        
                     4. Senior party's design patent contains a single claim which reads "The ornamental                      
              design for a boat fender, as shown and described."                                                              


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