Ex Parte Skulnick - Page 3

             Interference No. 105,125                                                                                         
             Chaffee v. Skulnick                                                                                              
                     5. Junior party's design application contains sixteen figures, showing various views of                  
             the disclosed design.                                                                                            
                     6. Senior party's design patent also contains sixteen figures, showing various views of                  
             the disclosed design.                                                                                            
                     7. The sixteen figures in junior party's design application are identical to the sixteen                 
             figures in the senior party's design patent, with one-to-one correspondence to each other by                     
             figure number.                                                                                                   
                     8. In the specification of the involved application or patent of each party, the written                 
             description of each of the figures is substantively the same as that contained in the specification              
             of the involved application or patent of the other party, although the precise wording is not the                
                                                        The Count                                                             
                     9. The single count, Count 1, of this interference is as follows:                                        
                              The sole claim of junior party Chaffee's application 29/155,070                                 
                              The sole claim of senior party Skulnick's Patent No. D 452,466                                  
                                            The Disclosed Boat Fender Design                                                  
                     10. Figure 1 in each party's specification illustrates the boat fender design as seen from               
             a front view of the invention.                                                                                   
                     11. Figure 2 in each party's specification illustrates the boat fender design as seen from               
             a rear view of the invention.                                                                                    


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Last modified: November 3, 2007