Ex Parte Skulnick - Page 4

             Interference No. 105,125                                                                                         
             Chaffee v. Skulnick                                                                                              
                     12. Figure 3 in each party's specification illustrates the boat fender design as seen from               
             a top view of the invention.                                                                                     
                     13. Figure 4 in each party's specification illustrates the boat fender design as seen from               

             a bottom view of the invention.                                                                                  
                     14. Figure 5 in each party's specification illustrates the boat fender design as seen from               
             a left side view of the invention.                                                                               
                     15. Figure 6 in each party's specification illustrates the boat fender design as seen from               

             a right side view of the invention.                                                                              
                     16. Figure 7 in each party's specification illustrates the boat fender design as seen from               
             the front, top, and right side of the invention.                                                                 
                     17. Figure 8 in each party's specification illustrates the boat fender as shown in Figure                
             7 but also with a dock and pilings shown in dotted lines.                                                        
                     18. Figure 9 in each party's specification illustrates the boat fender design with an                    
             alternative wear surface as seen from the front of the invention.                                                
                     19. Figure 10 in each party's specification illustrates the boat fender design of Figure 9               

             but as seen from the Tear.                                                                                       
                     20. Figure I I in each party's specification illustrates the boat fender design of Figure 9              
             but as seen from the top.                                                                                        
                     21. Figure 12 in each party's specification illustrates the boat fender design of Figure 9               
             but as seen from the bottom.                                                                                     


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Last modified: November 3, 2007