WANG et al vs IMLER et al - Page 14

                Interference No. 105,136                                                                Paper 62                         
                Wang v. Imler                                                                           Page 14                          
                resumption of ex parte prosecution.  (FF 28).                                                                            
                        Thereafter, Imler sought and was given authorization to file an amendment                                        
                cancelling its '007 claims that correspond to the count.  (FF 30).  We take Imler's                                      
                cancellation of its '007 corresponding claims as concession of unpatentability of the                                    
                cancelled claims over the prior art cited in Wang preliminary motion 1.  (FF 35).                                        
                Accordingly, entering judgment against Imler's '007 claims that correspond to the count                                  
                is appropriate.  The judgment is with prejudice to Imler in that Imler is not entitled to a                              
                patent containing any of the cancelled claims.  Imler's cancellation does not unfairly                                   
                prejudice Imler in that Imler is entitled to pursue claims before the examiner that are                                  
                patentable over the prior art cited in Wang's preliminary motion 1.8  Thus, Imler is in no                               
                worse a position than it would have been had we authorized it to file a responsive                                       
                preliminary motion under 37 CFR § 1.633(i).                                                                              

                        Wang argued that judgment on priority should be entered against Imler's '007                                     
                application under 37 CFR §1.662(a).  (FF 33).  37 CFR §1.662(a) states as follows:                                       
                                A party may, at any time during an interference, request and agree                                       
                        to entry of an adverse judgment. The filing by a party of a written                                              
                        disclaimer of the invention defined by a count, concession of priority or                                        
                        unpatentability of the subject matter of a count, abandonment of the                                             
                        invention defined by a count, or abandonment of the                                                              
                        contest as to a count will be treated as a request for entry of an adverse                                       
                        judgment against the applicant or patentee as to all claims which                                                

                        8       As noted by Imler, it is under an affirmative duty to disclose the prior art                             
                cited in Wang's preliminary motion 1 upon the resumption of ex parte prosecution.                                        
                (Paper 39 at 8).                                                                                                         

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