WANG et al vs IMLER et al - Page 10

                Interference No. 105,136                                                                Paper 62                         
                Wang v. Imler                                                                           Page 10                          
                        examiner under 37 CFR § 1.659(a) as to Imler's '143 claims.                                                      
                37.     Both Berkner I and Berkner II appear to be review articles discussing the                                        
                        expression of heterologous genes in adenoviral vectors.                                                          
                38.     Berkner I states that "[g]eneration of a transformed cell line (293) which encodes                               
                        the E1 region of the Ad5 genome (44) has been invaluable in facilitating the                                     
                        isolation of Ad[ 5] mutants by complementation" (Exh. 2011 at 616).                                              
                39.     According to Berkner I (Exh. 2011 at 619-620):                                                                   
                       is now theoretically possible to substitute up to 7.5 Kb of                                        
                        heterologous sequences into Ad, generating a viable, conditional, helper-                                        
                        independent Ad vector.  This is due to the large genome size, to deletions                                       
                        which can be made in the dispensable E3 region and in E1 using                                                   
                        complementation on 293 cells, and to the fact that Ad recombinants of                                            
                        106 mu (i.e. 38 Kb) in size can still be packaged into virions.  Potential                                       
                        deletions in the E4 regions, as mentioned above, may permit even larger                                          
                        gene inserts.                                                                                                    
                40.     Berkner I describes adenoviral vectors "developed so far" as having "cassettes                                   
                        expressing foreign genes substituted for the E1 or E3 region and propagated in                                   
                        293 cells".  (Exh. 2011 at 621).                                                                                 
                41.     Berkner II indicates that substitution of either the E1 or E4 region of the                                      
                        adenoviral genome with heterologous sequences results in recombinants that                                       
                        may be propagated using complementing cell lines.  (Exh. 2012 at 47).                                            
                42.     Berkner II states that (Exh. 2012 at 47):                                                                        
                        Generation of helper-independent Ad recombinants can be accomplished                                             
                        by insertion of heterologous sequences into several different regions of                                         

                        5       Adenovirus.                                                                                              

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