WANG et al vs IMLER et al - Page 6

                Interference No. 105,136                                                                Paper 62                         
                Wang v. Imler                                                                           Page 6                           
                        67 to the '143 application, Imler pointed out that Wang had not put into evidence                                
                        the relied upon prior art ('821, Paper 92 at 2, n.1).                                                            
                14.     Nonetheless, it does not appear from a review of the '821 record that Wang                                       
                        made any attempt during the pendency of the '821 interference to supplement                                      
                        the record by placing into evidence the relied upon prior art.                                                   
                15.     The '821 record indicates that Wang did not request reconsideration of the                                       
                        decision granting the Imler preliminary motion seeking to add claims 66 and 67                                   
                        to the '143 application.                                                                                         
                16.     Claims 66 and 67 that were added to the '143 application during the '821                                         
                        interference are the same claims 66 and 67 that are involved in the present                                      
                                            The motions of the present interference                                                      
                17.     Because it was determined that a preliminary motion period as to Imler's '143                                    
                        claims was de facto provided in the '821 interference, Wang was not authorized                                   
                        to file a preliminary motion under 37 CFR § 1.633(a) attacking the patentability of                              
                        Imler's '143 claims (Paper 32 at 10-11).                                                                         
                18.     However, since Imler's '007 claims were not involved in the '821 interference,                                   
                        Wang was authorized to file a preliminary motion under 37 CFR                                                    
                        § 1.633(a) seeking judgment that Imler's involved '007 claims are not patentable                                 


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