WANG et al vs IMLER et al - Page 2

                Interference No. 105,136                                                                Paper 62                         
                Wang v. Imler                                                                           Page 2                           
                                               Judgment-Rule 658 and Rule 659                                                            

                        I.      Introduction                                                                                             
                        Wang did not file its case-in-chief on priority within the time set by the                                       
                Administrative Patent Judge ("APJ").  Wang has filed a preliminary motion attacking the                                  
                patentability of certain Imler involved claims, but those claims have been cancelled by                                  
                Imler.  There being no further issues for the panel to resolve, judgment is entered                                      
                against Wang on the issue of priority and against Imler as to the claims it has cancelled.                               
                        II.     Background                                                                                               
                        The interference was declared on 16 July 2003 between junior party QING                                          
                WANG, MITCHELL H. FINER and XIAO-CHI JIA ("Wang") and senior party JEAN-LUC                                              
                IMLER, MAJID MEHTALI and ANDREA PAVIRANI ("Imler").                                                                      
                        As stated by Imler (Paper 38, at 4, emphasis in original):                                                       
                        ...the present interference was declared, for procedural and administrative                                      
                        purposes, after a complete preliminary motions phase in the '821[1 ]                                             
                        interference, when, as a result of the decisions on motions in the '821                                          
                        interference, the Board held it appropriate to add Imler's claims 66 and 67                                      
                        to the Imler '143 application.  See Order at 3.  The present interference                                        
                        was originally declared with claims 66 and 67 of the Imler '143 application.                                     
                        Paper 1 (Notice Declaring Interference) at 4.  Claims 66 and 67, as added                                        
                        to the Imler '143 application, define two of the four alternatives of the                                        
                        count (the other two alternatives being directed to Wang's claims).  See                                         
                        Paper 1, at 4.  The present interference was subsequently redeclared so                                          
                        as to add certain claims of the Imler '007 application as being designated                                       

                        1       Interference 104,821, which was declared on 8 March 2002.  An order                                      
                awarding judgment on priority against Imler was entered in the '821 interference on                                      
                16 July 2003 ('821, Paper 116 at 42).                                                                                    

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