WANG et al vs IMLER et al - Page 15

                Interference No. 105,136                                                                Paper 62                         
                Wang v. Imler                                                                           Page 15                          
                        correspond to the count. Abandonment of an application, other than an                                            
                        application for reissue having a claim of the patent sought to be reissued                                       
                        involved in the interference, will be treated as a request for entry of an                                       
                        adverse judgment against the applicant as to all claims corresponding to                                         
                        all counts. Upon the filing by a party of a request for entry of an adverse                                      
                        judgment, the Board may enter judgment against the party.                                                        

                        37 CFR § 1.662(a) does not appear to address the situation before us, i.e.,                                      
                where a party has cancelled only some of its claims that correspond to the count and                                     
                where the party was not given an opportunity to present new or amended claims via a                                      
                § 1.633(i) responsive preliminary motion.  Thus, under the circumstances before us, we                                   
                do not treat Imler's amendment cancelling its corresponding '007 claims as a request                                     
                for adverse judgment under 37 CFR § 1.662(a).                                                                            
                        Because Imler has cancelled its '007 claims that correspond to the count,                                        
                Wang's preliminary motion 1 attacking the patentability of these claims is moot.  Wang                                   
                preliminary motion 1 is DISMISSED.  Imler's miscellaneous motion 1 seeking                                               
                immediate judgment against Wang prior to a decision on preliminary motion 1 is also                                      
                DISMISSED as moot.  Since Wang preliminary motion is dismissed as moot, we do not                                        
                reach Wang reply 1.  Accordingly, the Imler motion to strike Wang's reply (Paper 56) is                                  
                DISMISSED as moot.                                                                                                       
                        Before Wang's preliminary motion 1 was filed the time came for Wang to file its                                  
                case-in-chief on priority.  Wang failed to file its priority case-in-chief.  (FF 20).                                    
                        Because Wang did not timely file a priority case-in-chief, it is appropriate to enter                            


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