WANG et al vs IMLER et al - Page 13

                Interference No. 105,136                                                                Paper 62                         
                Wang v. Imler                                                                           Page 13                          
                that correspond to the count, i.e., claims 66 and 67, during the '821 interference.  (FF6                                
                10).  Wang's attack failed.  (FF 11).  Based on the same reasons that Imler's claims                                     
                were not shown to be unpatentable to it in the '821 interference (FF 12), a                                              
                determination has been made that Imler's claims have not been shown to be                                                
                unpatentable to it in the present interference.                                                                          
                        b.      The '007 claims                                                                                          
                        Since Wang was not given an opportunity to attack the patentability of the '007                                  
                claims during the '821 interference, Wang was authorized to file a preliminary motion                                    
                under 37 CFR § 1.633(a) attacking the patentability of the '007 corresponding claims                                     
                during the present interference.  (FF 17).  Wang filed such a preliminary motion.                                        
                (FF 25).                                                                                                                 
                        When a party files a preliminary motion under 37 CFR § 1.633(a), it may be                                       
                appropriate to authorize the party's opponent to file a preliminary motion under 37 CFR                                  
                § 1.633(i).  Imler requested authorization to file a § 1.633(i) preliminary motion after                                 

                briefing on Wang preliminary motion 1 was complete.  (FF 27).7  Imler's request was                                      
                denied.  However, the order stated that, should Wang's preliminary motion 1 be                                           
                granted, Imler could pursue new or amended claims before the examiner upon the                                           

                        6       Finding of fact.                                                                                         
                        7       It is not clear on the record before us whether Imler requested                                          
                authorization to file a § 1.633(i) preliminary motion at any earlier time in the                                         

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