Ex Parte Horwood et al - Page 6

          Appeal No. 2005-2393                                                         
          Application No. 10/228,392                                                   
          positions.  This review has led us to conclude that the                      
          examiner’s Section 103 rejections are well founded.  Accordingly,            
          we affirm the examiner’s Section 103 rejections.  Our reasons for            
          this determination follow.                                                   
               We observe that the appellants do not dispute the examiner’s            
          finding at page 4 of the Answer that:                                        
               Dillard discloses a [golf] club having [a shaft defined                 
               by]... a metal tip section and a composite butt                         
               section...[wherein the] metallic material ...[has] a                    
               higher strength and higher resistance to torque than a                  
               composite material ...                                                  
          As argued by the appellants (e.g., the Brief, page 9), Dillard               
          does not mention a set of golf club shafts progressively                     
          increasing in length, (1) with metal tip section lengths of the              
          shafts decreasing as overall shaft lengths are increased as                  
          required by claims 1, 10 and 193; and (2) with club heads                    
          progressively decreasing in loft (angle) as the lengths of metal             
          tip sections are decreased as required by claim 10.                          
               3  Independent Claims 1 and 10 further recite ratios of the             
          decreased metal tip sections to the increased overall lengths of             
          the shafts.                                                                  


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