Ex Parte Horwood et al - Page 8

          Appeal No. 2005-2393                                                         
          Application No. 10/228,392                                                   
          have characteristics, such as more flexible tips, which yield                
          more distances, but pooler accuracy.  Consistent with Whitaker’s             
          need for providing shafts having differing flexibilities for                 
          given ball striking range potentials (column 2, lines 58-67),                
          Pompa teaches at column 2, line 62 to column 3, line 15 that:                
               The bottom end 22 of the upper composite butt section                   
               14 is reduced in diameter, to telescopingly and slidingly               
               fit into the inside wall of the elongated last step 26 of               
               lower metallic tip section 12.  It is bonded therein with               
               high strength epoxy adhesive 24, as shown in FIG. 2.  The               
               length of the bonded section is denoted in FIG. 1 by                    
               dimension C and, in practice, is about 1_ inches.  The                  
               junction shoulder 20, between lower metallic tip section 12             
               and upper composite butt section 14, is smooth and flush.               
               From that point, the upper composite butt section 14 tapers             
               progressively and outwardly to a standard butt diameter as              
               its top end 28.  Using the standard 43 inch driver                      
               previously mentioned as an example, it may been seen that               
               the proportion of the length of the lower metallic tip                  
               section 12 and the upper composition butt section 14, to                
               total shaft length, denoted by dimension A in FIG. 1, is on             
               the order of one-third and two-thirds respectively.  This               

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