Ex Parte 5872952 et al - Page 35

              Appeal No. 2005-2512                                                                                         
              Reexamination Control No. 90/006,431                                                                         

              That testimony, though conclusory, is clearly supported by the similarities between the                      
              subject matter disclosed in the RailMill documents and the subject matter disclosed and                      
              claimed in the ‘952 patent.  While Ho’s declaration preferably should have explained                         
              that his conclusory testimony is based on those similarities, such an explanation is not                     
              required where, as here, the testimony finds clear support in those similarities.  It is also                
              significant that Ho’s testimony regarding inventorship of the RailMill subject matter does                   
              not conflict with (1) the RailMill documents themselves, which do not name any authors,                      
              let alone appear to attribute the disclosed subject matter to the authors, as in Katz, or                    
              (2) any other evidence of record regarding inventorship, as in Kroger.                                       
                     For the foregoing reasons, we hold that the Second Ho Declaration is sufficient to                    
              establish that to the extent the RailMill documents disclose the RailMill power net                          
              simulation engine, associated transistor network simulation engine, and use of                               
              ChipViewer to display the output of the power net simulation engine (which is virtually all                  
              of the subject matter disclosed in those documents), they are not prior art with respect                     
              to appellant’s claims.                                                                                       


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