Ex Parte 5872952 et al - Page 36

              Appeal No. 2005-2512                                                                                         
              Reexamination Control No. 90/006,431                                                                         

                     2.  The Arcadia Manual                                                                                
                     While the Arcadia Manual includes subject matter like that present in the RailMill                    
              documents, it also differs from those documents in several significant respects.  First, it                  
              was published by Archer rather than by Epic.  Second, at page iii it identifies ChipViewer                   
              as a copyright of Archer, which as of the February 1995 publication date had not been                        
              acquired by Epic, and at page 7-1 describes ChipViewer as “the Graphical User                                
              Interface to ARCADIA.”  Third, the Arcadia Manual discloses ChipViewer being used                            
              with simulators other than RailMill.  Thus, Figure 1-3 (at page 1-8), reproduced below,                      
              shows ARCADIA being used to generate netlists for SPICE, TimeMill, PowerMill, or                             
              RailMill, of which the last three are identified at page iii as Epic simulators:                             


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