Ex Parte 5872952 et al - Page 41

              Appeal No. 2005-2512                                                                                         
              Reexamination Control No. 90/006,431                                                                         

              date to the RailMill documents.25  That patent, which appellant correctly notes refers to                    
              ARCADIA at column 4, line 13, and to ChipViewer in numerous places, Br. 24, makes                            
              no mention of RailMill or voltage drop simulations yet discusses ChipViewer’s zoom                           
              feature at column 4, lines 59-60.                                                                            
                     For the foregoing reasons, we hold that the Arcadia Manual is available as prior                      
              art under 35 U.S.C. § 102(a) with respect to appellant’s claims to the extent it discloses                   
              using ChipViewer as a graphical user interface for circuit analysis simulators other than                    
              RailMill, such as PowerMill, and more particularly for its disclosure that ChipViewer as                     
              used with those other simulators permits the display the characteristics of selected                         
              portions of the circuitry.                                                                                   

                     25  Neither of the inventors of the ‘952 patent under reexamination is named as                       
              an inventor in the ‘580 patent, which is assigned to Epic.                                                   


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