Ex Parte 5872952 et al - Page 44

              Appeal No. 2005-2512                                                                                         
              Reexamination Control No. 90/006,431                                                                         

              Second Ho Decl. paras. 6-7.  Even assuming for the sake of argument that Ho is correct                       
              to conclude that the images appearing at page 86 of Tiwary (i.e., Figures 3 and 4) and                       
              the image in Figure 2 of Deng were generated using ChipViewer, that fact is insufficient                     
              to remove those images or their associated descriptions as prior art, because neither                        
              Ho nor any other witness has testified that these ChipViewer images represent the                            
              outputs generated by RailMill, i.e., by Ho and Tuan’s power-net simulation engine.26                         
              Appellant has therefore failed to establish that the subject matter relied on in Tiwary and                  
              Deng was invented by Ho and Tuan and thus does not constitute prior art.  However, as                        
              explained below, for other reasons the rejections are being reversed to the extent they                      
              are based on these references.                                                                               
              I.  The effect of the foregoing holdings on the grounds of rejection                                         
                     In view of the foregoing holdings, we are reversing the rejections to the extent                      
              they rely on (a) any of the RailMill documents or (b) the Arcadia Manual to the extent it                    
              discloses the RailMill power net simulation engine and associated transistor network                         
              simulation engine and the use of ChipViewer to display RailMill information.  Therefore,                     
              the only grounds of rejection left for our consideration are the rejections of:                              
                     (a) Claims 1-6, 9, and 16-18 under § 102(b) for anticipation by Stark;                                

                     26  Because it is not evident from an inspection of Tiwary and Deng that the                          
              images in question depict ChipViewer images produced using RailMill, any testimony to                        
              that effect by Ho would have been unpersuasive in the absence of an explanation of the                       
              factual basis for such testimony.                                                                            


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