Ex Parte 5872952 et al - Page 49

              Appeal No. 2005-2512                                                                                         
              Reexamination Control No. 90/006,431                                                                         

              power net, as also required by the claim.  Instead, each figure depicts the entire circuit                   
              under analysis.                                                                                              
                     The examiner is incorrect to argue that a graphical user interface is inherently                      
              present because “Stark discloses that the package that the disclosure in the Theses is                       
              implemented on ‘Ariel’, which is a CAD [computer-aided design] package.”  Second                             
              Office Action 51 para. 115 (adhered to in Fin.Act. 49, para. 118; Ans. 21).  As appellant                    
              correctly notes, “Ariel” is the name Stark gives to his disclosed analysis tool and is an                    
              acronym of “Analyzer for Resistance and current (I) ELements.”  Stark 2 & n.1.  It is not                    
              a graphical user interface.                                                                                  
                     The rejection of claim 17 under § 102(b) for anticipation by Stark is therefore                       
              reversed.  Because the other independent claims (i.e., claims 1, 16, and 18) recite                          
              similar limitations, we are also reversing the § 102(b) rejection of claims 1-6, 9, 16, and                  
              18 on that ground.                                                                                           


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