Ex Parte 5872952 et al - Page 50

              Appeal No. 2005-2512                                                                                         
              Reexamination Control No. 90/006,431                                                                         

              K.  The rejection of claims 1-6, 9, and 16-18 under § 103(a) for                                             
              obviousness over Stark in view of the Arcadia Manual (excluding                                              
              RailMill and associated use of ChipViewer), Tiwary, or Deng                                                  
                     Appellant does not deny that Stark satisfies all of the limitations of the                            
              independent claims as they stood prior to being amended to specify that the recited                          
              “display” displays “a graphical user interface including interactive tools for viewing                       
              selected portions of said power net.”29  The examiner contends it would have been                            
              obvious in view of the Arcadia Manual, Tiwary, or Deng to use a graphical user interface                     
              to display the results of Stark’s power net simulation.  Fin.Act. 20 paras. 27 29, 30, 32,                   
              33.  As explained above, we are considering the Arcadia Manual only to the extent it                         
              does not disclose RailMill and the use of ChipViewer to display the RailMill outputs.                        

                     29  The examiner’s explanation of how claim 17 prior to amendment reads on                            
              Stark appears at pages 26-28 of the Final Office Action.                                                     


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