Ex Parte 5872952 et al - Page 53

              Appeal No. 2005-2512                                                                                         
              Reexamination Control No. 90/006,431                                                                         

              L.  The rejection of Claims 1-6, 9, and 16-18 under § 103(a) over                                            
              Rusu  in view of the Arcadia Manual (excluding RailMill and                                                  
              associated use of ChipViewer), Tiwary, or Deng                                                               
                     Rusu discloses a method and apparatus to model the power network of a VLSI                            
              circuit. The method includes the step of extracting the power network associated with a                      
              semiconductor circuit layout and then deriving a compacted power network from the                            
              power network.  Rusu,   col. 2, ll. 18-22.  The operation of the compacted power                             
              network is simulated on a circuit simulation program to identify areas in the compacted                      
              power network that do not comply with predetermined power network performance                                
              criteria, such as electromigration limits and voltage drop limits.  Id. at col. 2, ll. 34-39.                

                     Appellant does not deny that Rusu discloses all of the limitations recited in claim                   
              17 apart from the graphical user interface limitations, for which the examiner relies on                     
              Arcadia Manual, Tiwary, or Deng.  The examiner’s reliance on the ChipViewer in the                           
              Arcadia Manual is convincing in this rejection for the same reasons that are given in                        
              above in the discussion of the  § 103 rejection in which Stark is the primary reference.                     
              Furthermore, his reliance on Tiwary and Deng is unconvincing for the reasons given                           
              that discussion.  Appellant’s criticism of the proposed combination of teachings of Rusu                     
              and the Arcadia Manual on the ground that ChipViewer is not available as prior art, Br.                      
              29-30, is unavailing for the reasons noted above.                                                            
                     Accordingly, the rejection of claims 1-6, 9, and 16-18 for obviousness over Rusu                      
              in view of Arcadia Manual is affirmed to the extent based on Rusu in view of the Arcadia                     


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