Ex Parte 5872952 et al - Page 55

          Appeal No. 2005-2512                                                         
          Reexamination Control No. 90/006,431                                         

               All of the rejections of dependent claims 7, 8, and 12-15 are reversed. 

          O.  Extensions of time                                                       
               No time period for taking any subsequent action in connection with this appeal may be
          extended under 37 CFR 1.136(a).  See 37 CFR §§ 41.50(f) and 41.52(b).        
                          AFFIRMED-IN-PART; REVERSED-IN-PART                           
                      JOHN C. MARTIN               )                                   
                      Administrative Patent Judge )                                    
                                              )   BOARD OF PATENT                      
                     JERRY SMITH                      )     APPEALS AND                
                     Administrative Patent Judge  )    INTERFERENCES                   
                     MURRIEL E. CRAWFORD  )                                            
                     Administrative Patent Judge  )                                    


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