Ex Parte 5872952 et al - Page 52

              Appeal No. 2005-2512                                                                                         
              Reexamination Control No. 90/006,431                                                                         

              apparent, why these references would have been understood to suggest using a                                 
              graphical user interface which can display selected portions of the power net, as                            
              required by the claims.  The record copy of Tiwary’s  Figure 4, which is the figure in                       
              Deng and Tiwary that most resembles Figure 14A of the ‘952 patent, lacks sufficient                          
              clarity to determine what, if any, display options are available.31                                          
                     We note in passing that appellant’s argument that Tiwary and Deng are not                             
              enabling insofar as the graphical user interface is concerned is not entitled to                             
              consideration because it was raised for the first time in the reply brief, at 23-25.                         
                     Thus, the rejection of claims 1-6, 9, and 16-18 of claims 1-6, 9, and 16-18 for                       
              obviousness over Stark in view of the Arcadia Manual, Tiwary, or Deng is affirmed to                         
              the extent based on Stark in view of the Arcadia Manual (excluding RailMill and                              
              associated use of ChipViewer) and reversed to the extent based on Stark in view of                           
              Tiwary or Deng.                                                                                              

                     31  The PTO’s Scientific & Technical Information Center (STIC) was unable to                          
              supply a clearer copy of Tiwary.                                                                             


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