Ex Parte Dworkin et al - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2006-0910                                                        
          Application No. 09/725,821                                                  

          Ober et al. (Ober)            6,708,273      Mar. 16, 2004                  
                                             (filed Feb. 25, 1999)                    
          Bruce Schneier (Schneier), Applied Cryptography: Protocols,                 
          Algorithms and Source Code in C, 436-41, (2nd ed., New York, John           
          Wiley & Sons, 1996).                                                        
               Claims 1-8 and 14-18, all of the appealed claims, stand                
          finally rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a).  As evidence of                  
          obviousness, the Examiner offers the combination of Ober, Childs,           
          Schneier, Turner, and Batcher with respect to claims 1-7, 14, 15,           
          17, and 18, adds Niehaus to the basic combination with respect to           
          claim 8, and adds Masaki to the basic combination with respect to           
          claim 16.                                                                   
               Rather than reiterate the arguments of Appellants and the              
          Examiner, reference is made to the Briefs1 and Answer for their             
          respective details.                                                         
               We have carefully considered the subject matter on appeal,             
          the rejections advanced by the Examiner and the evidence of                 
          obviousness relied upon by the Examiner as support for the                  
          rejections.  We have, likewise, reviewed and taken into                     

                 1 The Appeal Brief was filed August 19, 2004.  In response to the    
            Examiner’s Answer mailed November 22, 2004, a Reply Brief was filed       
            January 28, 2005 which was acknowledged and entered by the Examiner as    
            indicated in the communication mailed March 9, 2005.                      

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Last modified: November 3, 2007