Ex Parte Dworkin et al - Page 8

          Appeal No. 2006-0910                                                        
          Application No. 09/725,821                                                  

          Ober, Childs, Schneier, Turner, and Batcher.                                
               In summary, we have not sustained the Examiner’s rejections            
          of any of the claims on appeal.  Therefore, the decision of the             
          Examiner rejecting claims 1-8 and 14-18 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a)            
          is reversed.                                                                

                         JAMES D. THOMAS               )                              
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )                              
                                                       )) BOARD OF PATENT             
                         JOSEPH F. RUGGIERO            )      APPEALS                 
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )       AND                    
                                                       )   INTERFERENCES              
                         ALLEN R. MACDONALD            )                              
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )                              

          FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR, INC.                                               


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Last modified: November 3, 2007