Ex Parte Dworkin et al - Page 7

          Appeal No. 2006-0910                                                        
          Application No. 09/725,821                                                  

          the applied prior art references, and the differing solutions               
          proposed by them, any attempt to combine them in the manner                 
          proposed by the Examiner could only come from Appellants’ own               
          disclosure and not from any teaching or suggestion in the                   
          references themselves.                                                      
               We have also reviewed the Masaki reference applied by the              
          Examiner to address the exclusive-OR circuitry feature of                   
          dependent claim 16.  We find nothing, however, in the disclosure            
          of the Masaki reference which would overcome the innate                     
          deficiencies of the Ober, Childs, Schneier, Turner, and Batcher             
          references as discussed supra.                                              
               In view of the above discussion, since we are of the opinion           
          that the proposed combination of references set forth by the                
          Examiner does not support the obviousness rejection, we do not              
          sustain the rejection of independent claims 1 and 14, nor of                
          claims 2-7 and 15-18 dependent thereon.                                     
               We also do not sustain the Examiner’s obviousness rejection            
          of independent claim 8 in which the Niehaus reference is added to           
          the proposed combination to address the claimed adder circuit               
          feature.  As with the Masaki reference, we find nothing in                  
          Niehaus which overcomes the previously discussed deficiencies of            


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