Ex Parte Morita - Page 2

            Appeal No. 2006-1622                                                                            
            Application No. 10/020,956                                                                      

                   The appellant's invention relates to a tape reel.  An understanding of the               
            invention can be derived from a reading of exemplary claim 1, which is reproduced               

                      1. A tape reel comprising:                                                            
                      a hub having a cylindrical shape; and                                                 
                      an upper flange and a lower flange respectively provided at an upper                  
                   end and a lower end of said hub,                                                         
                      wherein a magnetic tape is wrapped around an outer peripheral                         
                   surface of said hub, and                                                                 
                      means for gradually decreasing a distance between said upper flange                   
                   and said lower flange outside the outer peripheral surface of the hub, as                
                   said magnetic tape is being wrapped around said hub, by deflecting said                  
                   upper and lower flanges towards each other over an entire circumference                  

                                                PRIOR ART                                                   
            The prior art reference of record relied upon by the examiner in rejecting the appealed         
            claims is:                                                                                      
            Iwahashi     4,807,826   Feb. 28, 1989                                                          


                Claims 1-3 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being anticipated by                  


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