Ex Parte Morita - Page 3

            Appeal No. 2006-1622                                                                            
            Application No. 10/020,956                                                                      

                Rather than reiterate the conflicting viewpoints advanced by the examiner and               
            appellant regarding the above-noted rejection, we make reference to the examiner's              
            answer (mailed March 31, 2005) and supplemental answer (mailed January 10, 2006)                
            for the reasoning in support of the rejection, and to appellant's brief and affidavit (filed    
            January 10, 2005) and first reply brief (filed May 25, 2005) and second reply brief (filed      
            January 31, 2006) for the arguments thereagainst.                                               


                In reaching our decision in this appeal, we have given careful consideration to the         
            appellant's specification and claims, to the applied prior art reference, and to the            
            respective positions articulated by the appellant and the examiner. As a consequence of         
            our review, we make the determinations that follow.                                             

              Claims 1-3 rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being anticipated by Iwahashi.                

                We note that the appellant argues these claims as a group.  Accordingly, we select          
            claim 1 as representative of the group.                                                         

                The examiner argues that the means element of claim 1 is met in Iwahashi by the             
            force of the tape on the hub.  Specifically, the examiner states that Iwahashi shows that       

                      means for gradually decreasing a distance between said upper flange                   
                   (17) and said Iower flange outside an outer peripheral surface of the hub,               
                   as said magnetic tape is being wrapped around said hub (when the                         
                   magnetic tape wrapping force in a radial direction is so great that both the             


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