Ex Parte Morita - Page 5

            Appeal No. 2006-1622                                                                            
            Application No. 10/020,956                                                                      

                   Thus, the Examiner's assertion that as the hub deforms radially (in                      
                   Iwahashi ‘826), both of the flanges deflect inwardly to the hub is sheer                 
                   speculation and finds no support in the portion cited by the Examiner (i.e.,             
                   column 2, lines 1-17), nor any other part of the reference. [See Reply Brief             
                   at p. 7]                                                                                 
                As to the examiner’s original premise that given sufficient force, the tape would           
            inherently deform the hub sufficiently to cause the deflection of the flanges as claimed,       
            the examiner has shown no evidence that such force would be present in operation of             
            the tape reel, let alone that such force would be present before the tape would break, in       
            the hub as used in Iwahashi or its described prior art.  This structural feature, of            
            designing the flexing of the hub so that such deformation may occur during operation, is        
            precisely the structural characteristic described as being provided by the claimed              
            means.  In this regard, the appellant’s specification explains:                                 

                      In order to keep the distances H3 and H4 always within the certain                    
                   range, rigidity of the hub 11, manner of fixing the upper and the lower                  
                   flanges 12, 13 to the hub 11, material of the tape reel 10 and so on are                 
                   established. Preferably, the rigidity is determined by setting the thickness             
                   T of the outer peripheral wall 11a, by setting shape and thickness of the                
                   center part 11b and the support walls 11c and so on.                                     
                      Wrapping torque for wrapping the magnetic tape 20 around the tape                     
                   reel 10 is also established so that the distances H3 and H4 may be always                
                   within the certain range.  [See Specification at p. 10]                                  
                As to the examiner’s argument in the answer that the prior art in Iwahashi described        
            such deflection of both flanges, we note that the appellant is correct in interpreting this     
            prior art as creating less strength near one of the flanges than the other, and would only      
            cause one flange to deflect, if it deflected at all.  We further note that Iwahashi does not    
            explicitly recite such deflection, but this deflection was inferred by the examiner based       
            on its explicit description of hub deformation near one, but not both, of the flanges.          


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