Ex Parte Guillen - Page 9

         Appeal No. 2006-3284                                                       
         Application No. 10/061,871                                                 
          subsequently searches configuration files stored in the                   
         identified devices for a desired configuration profile.  Upon              
         finding that the desired configuration profile is located on the           
         removable storage device, the server sends a request to the                
         storage device reader, which reads configuration data from the             
         removable storage device inserted therein to thereby configure             
         the particular server.                                                     
              It is our view that one of ordinary skill in the art at the           
         time of the present invention would have readily found that                
         Kamper’s teachings amount to the Appellant’s invention as set              
         forth in representative claim 1.  The ordinarily skilled artisan           
         would have duly recognized that Kamper’s disclosed mechanism for           
         configuring a plurality of servers performing different functions          
         would require the use of different configuration data in order             
         for the servers to distinctly operate as intended.  Further, the           
         ordinary skilled artisan would have also recognized that Kamper’s          
         teaching of allowing a server to search for a particular                   
         configuration profile among configuration files stored in devices          
         connected to said server (column 6, lines 37 through 40) amounts           
         to more than one configuration file being available to configure           
         the different servers.  Consequently, the ordinary skilled                 
         artisan would have aptly recognized that Kamper’s teaching of              
         locating for each distinct server a desired configuration file on          

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