Ex Parte Guillen - Page 15

         Appeal No. 2006-3284                                                       
         Application No. 10/061,871                                                 
         III. Under 35 U.S.C. § 103, is the Rejection of Claim 19 under             
         35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over the combination of              
         Kamper, Sun and Trimberger Proper?                                         
              With respect to claim 19, Appellant argues in the Appeal and          
         Reply Briefs that neither Kamper nor Sun nor Trimberger teaches            
         the claimed invention.  Particularly, Appellant asserts that the           
         combination of Kamper and Sun does not teach the limitation of             
         generating a server configuration profile image based on a                 
         current configuration server.  We have already addressed this              
         argument in the discussion of claim 18 above, and we disagree              
         with Appellant.  Further, Appellant argues that Trimberger does            
         not cure the deficiencies of the Kamper and Sun combination.  We           
         find no such deficiencies in the stated combination for                    
         Trimberger to cure.  It is therefore our view, after                       
         consideration of the record before us, that the evidence relied            
         upon and the level of skill in the particular art would have               
         suggested to the ordinarily skilled artisan the invention as set           
         forth in claim 19.  Accordingly, we will sustain the Examiner’s            
         rejection of claim 19.                                                     
              In view of the foregoing discussion, we have sustained the            
         Examiner’s decision rejecting claims 1, 4 through 9, 31 through            
         34 under 35 U.S.C. § 102.  We have also sustained the Examiner’s           


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