Ex Parte Guillen - Page 12

         Appeal No. 2006-3284                                                       
         Application No. 10/061,871                                                 
              An obviousness analysis commences with a review and                   
         consideration of all the pertinent evidence and arguments.  “In            
         reviewing the [E]xaminer’s decision on appeal, the Board must              
         necessarily weigh all of the evidence and argument.”  Oetiker,             
         977 F.2d at 1445, 24 USPQ2d at 1444.  “[T]he Board must not only           
         assure that the requisite findings are made, based on evidence of          
         record, but must also explain the reasoning by which the findings          
         are deemed to support the agency’s conclusion.”  In re Lee, 277            
         F.3d 1338, 1344, 61 USPQ2d 1430, 1434 (Fed. Cir. 2002).                    
              With respect to representative claim 18, Appellant argues in          
         the Briefs that neither Kamper nor Sun teaches generating a                
         server configuration profile image based on a current                      
         configuration server.  Particularly, at page 24 of the Appeal              
         Brief, Appellant states the following:                                     
                         Appellant respectfully asserts that the Kamper             
                   reference does not teach or suggest “generating a server         
                   configuration  profile  image  based  on  a current              
                   configuration of a server,” as recited in claim 18.              
                   (Emphasis added).  Moreover, the Sun reference, which            
                   discloses  a  self-initializing  chipset  designed  to           
                   initialize without interruption by a processor, cannot           
                   cure this deficiency in the Kamper reference, because it         
                   does not even mention configuration profile images.  See         
                   Sun, abstract, lines 1-4; see also, col. 2, lines 1-3.           
              In order for us to decide the question of obviousness,                
         “[t]he first inquiry must be into exactly what the claims                  
         define.”  In re Wilder, 429 F.2d 447, 450, 166 USPQ 545, 548               

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