Ex Parte Guillen - Page 13

         Appeal No. 2006-3284                                                       
         Application No. 10/061,871                                                 
         (CCPA 1970).  “Analysis begins with a key legal question-- what            
         is the invention claimed ?”...Claim interpretation...will                  
         normally control the remainder of the decisional process.”                 
         Panduit Corp. v. Dennison Mfg., 810 F.2d 1561, 1567-68, 1 USPQ2d           
         1593, 1597 (Fed. Cir. 1987).                                               
              We note that representative claim 18 reads in part as                 
                        [G]enerating a server configuration profile image           
                   based on a current configuration of a server.                    
              We note at paragraph 26, lines 5 through 8, Appellant’s               
         specification states the following:                                        
                        In step 802, the utility generates a profile in             
                   NVRAM based on the current server configuration. This            
                   step involves creating and saving an image in NVRAM              
                   based on the devices in the server. In other words, the          
                   utility creates a "snapshot" of the current highly               
                   optimized configuration of the server.                           
              Thus, the claim does require generating a server configuration        
         profile image based on a current configuration server.                     
              With the above discussion in mind, we find that with regard           
         to representative claim 18, Kamper teaches a method for                    
         configuring a plurality of servers using corresponding                     
         configuration files located on a removable storage device.                 
         Particularly, Kamper teaches searching a plurality of devices              
         connected to a server in order to determine which of said devices          


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