Ex Parte Zhou - Page 13

                Appeal 2007-0039                                                                             
                Application 09/799,413                                                                       

                      Rejection of claim 46                                                                  
                      Appellant merely repeats the recited features of claim 46 and basically                
                relies on similar arguments made for the patentability of claim 14 (Br. 23).                 
                As discussed above, Ferrel teaches that the end users may access the content                 
                objects and edit the created stories that are stored on the host storage (FF 4-              
                7).  Therefore, for the same reasons discussed supra, we find that Ferrel                    
                suggests the subject matter of claim 46.                                                     

                      Rejection of claim 47                                                                  
                      Appellant repeats the same arguments raised for the patentability of                   
                claim 1 (Br. 23-25).  As discussed above, Ferrel teaches a publishing system                 
                that includes a storage means for storing a database and a software for                      
                creating user interfaces enabling the user to access the database through the                
                worldwide web for creating stories using the components of a story from the                  
                database (FF 3-7).  Therefore, for the same reasons discussed supra, we find                 
                the subject matter of claim 47 to be suggested by Ferrel.                                    

                                         CONCLUSION OF LAW                                                   
                      Because Appellant has failed to point to any error in the Examiner’s                   
                position, we sustain the 35 U.S.C. § 103 rejection of claims 1-47 over Ferrel.               

                      The decision of the Examiner rejecting claims 1-47 is affirmed.                        
                      No time period for taking any subsequent action in connection with                     
                this appeal may be extended under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a)(1)(iv).                               


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