Ex Parte Derderian - Page 4

                Appeal No. 2007-0068                                                                          
                Application No. 10/230,452                                                                    

                (Answer 8-9).  The Examiner further asserts that the claims recite that the                   
                second device rests upon at least some of the discrete conductive elements                    
                and therefore, do not require the bond wires to be the sole element                           
                supporting the upper device (Answer 9).                                                       
                      We agree with the Examiner that claims 1 and 13 merely require that                     
                the upper device be resting, among other things, upon the discrete elements.                  
                The claims, although reciting that the upper device rests upon the discrete                   
                conductive elements, do not preclude support by other elements in addition                    
                to the conductive elements.  In that regard, Wu does disclose in Figure 4 that                
                the plurality of wires 32 are located above overflow glue 50 and together                     
                support upper chip 34 (col. 3, lines 36-40).  Similarly, Figure 3 of Wu shows                 
                in detail all the elements over the lower chip that would support the upper                   
                chip, such as bond wires 32 and overflow glue 50 which form the dam-shape                     
                bumps at the upper edges of chip 28 (col. 3, lines 18-24).                                    
                      A rejection for anticipation requires that the four corners of a single                 
                prior art document describe every element of the claimed invention, either                    
                expressly or inherently, such that a person of ordinary skill in the art could                
                practice the invention without undue experimentation.  See Atlas Powder                       
                Co. v. IRECO Inc., 190 F.3d 1342, 1347, 51 USPQ2d 1943, 1947 (Fed. Cir.                       


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