Ex Parte Hubacek et al - Page 25

                Appeal 2007-0127                                                                              
                Application 09/749,916                                                                        

           1          Arguments Regarding Dependent Claims (6, 7), (30, 38), and  (39,41).                    
           2          The Appellants have argued the remaining claims in pairs as indicated                   
           3    by the parentheses.                                                                           
           4          (IB) Claims 6 and 7                                                                     
           5          The Appellants urge that Claim 6, which recites a resistivity of “less                  
           6    than 0.025 ohm-cm,” and Claim 7, which recite an electrical resistivity “less                 
           7    than 0.05 ohm-cm,” are patentable because Degner and Murai do not                             
           8    recognize the unexpected advantages provided by the electrode.  (Br., p. 18,                  
           9    ll. 13-18).                                                                                   
          10          As this argument is also premised on the Appellants’ evidence of                        
          11    unexpected results, we are not persuaded by this argument for the reasons                     
          12    indicated above.                                                                              
          13          (IC) Claims 30 and 38                                                                   
          14          The Appellants urge that the combination of Degner and Murai does                       
          15    not suggest replacing Degner’s electrode with Murai’s doped electrode, or                     
          16    one with a thickness of about 0.375 inch to 0.5 inch and an electrical                        
          17    resistivity of less than about 0.1 ohm-cm as required by claim 30. (Br., p. 19,               
          18    ll. 12-15).  No specific argument is directed to claim 38.                                    
          19          We disagree.  As discussed above, Degner’s plate can be from 0.1 to 2                   
          20    cm thick (0.039 inch to 0.787 inch) (col. 4, ll. 32-33) which substantially                   
          21    overlaps the claimed range of about 0.375 to about 0.5 inches.  Further, the                  
          22    Examiner relied upon Murai as teaching a suitably resistive electrode                         
          23    (Answer, p. 5, ll. 1-3) in that Murai teaches that the “specific resistance of                
          24    the silicon single crystal, in order to be used as electrode (2) [i]s, normally               
          25    0.1Ω-cm or less” (Translation, p. 5, ll. 8-10).  The two references describe                  


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