Ex Parte Hubacek et al - Page 28

                Appeal 2007-0127                                                                              
                Application 09/749,916                                                                        

           1    modified by Murai of the claimed diameter as Saito teaches that the                           
           2    dimension is suitable for a gas outlet of a showerhead electrode.  (Answer, p.                
           3    6, ll. 10-16).                                                                                
           4          The Appellants urge that the claimed combination of Degner, Murai                       
           5    and Saito would have led away from the claimed subject matter of claim 3.                     
           6    (Br., p. 21, ll. 18-19).    The Appellants base this argument on Saito’s                      
           7    description of 0.5 mm apertures (Saito, col., ll. 15-16) as being within a 5                  
           8    mm thick disc.  (Id., l. 18).  The Appellants urge that, as 5 mm is 0.20                      
           9    inches, it is “significantly thinner” than the electrode of 0.25 inches as                    
          10    claimed.  (Br., p. 21, l. 21).                                                                
          11          This argument likewise is without persuasive merit.                                     
          12          First, each of the claims recite “about 0.25 inch to 0.5 inch.”                         
          13    Asserting that “0.20” is “significantly” different from “about 0.25” without                  
          14    persuasive evidence of a relevant difference in some critical characteristic is               
          15    merely an exercise in numerology.  Secondly, the Appellants have not                          
          16    indicated how one of ordinary skill in the art would have been led away                       
          17    from the claimed range.                                                                       
          18          Finally, the appellants have made no argument whatsoever to claim                       
          19    27, which requires the claim limitation of ultrasonically drilled holes.                      
          20          Accordingly, we are not persuaded of error.                                             
          21          (IIB) Claims 21, 25, 31, and 37                                                         
          22          Claim 21 covers low-resistivity showerhead electrodes with “the gas                     
          23    outlets having the diameter of about 0.025 inch to 0.030 inch” (emphasis                      
          24    added).                                                                                       


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