Ex Parte Hubacek et al - Page 30

                Appeal 2007-0127                                                                              
                Application 09/749,916                                                                        

           1    We have already rejected this argument as to claim 30, so we also reject it as                
           2    to claim 33.                                                                                  
           3          (IID) Claims 34, 35, and 36                                                             
           4          The Appellants urge that, for these three claims, “the gas outlets have                 
           5    a diameter of about 0.025 inch to about 0.028 inch”  (Br., p. 24, ll. 2-3, 9-10,              
           6    and 15-16), and that the combination of  Degner, Murai, and Saito does not                    
           7    disclose this feature.   However, as discussed supra, the Appellants have not                 
           8    established that 0.02 inches is patentably distinct from “about 0.025” inch as                
           9    recited in the claim.                                                                         
          10          Accordingly, we are not persuaded of  reversible error on the part of                   
          11    the Examiner.                                                                                 
          12          (IIE) Claim 40                                                                          
          13          The Appellants urge that claim 40, which depends from claim 21,                         
          14    recites the electrode assembly of claim 21 “and a confinement ring” (Br., p.                  
          15    25, ll. 3-4).  Substantively, we have already shown that this argument is                     
          16    factually incorrect and reject it again.  Moreover, merely pointing out what                  
          17    the claims cover does not amount to an argument of separate patentability as                  
          18    required by Bd. R. 37 (c)(vii).                                                               
          19          We therefore are unpersuaded by this argument of error.                                 
          20          (III)  The Rejection of Claims 1, 4-10, 30, 38, 39, and 41 Under 35                     
          21    U.S.C. §103(a) over Murai in view of Degner                                                   
          22          The Examiner has found that Murai describes a low resistivity                           
          23    electrode (ref. num. 2) adapted to be mounted in a parallel plate plasma                      
          24    reaction chamber (ref num. 5) used in substrate processing, the electrode                     
          25    comprising a single crystal silicon electrode having an electrical resistivity                


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