Ex Parte Hubacek et al - Page 37

                Appeal 2007-0127                                                                              
                Application 09/749,916                                                                        

           1    instances the declaration fails to indicate that the results are anything other               
           2    than expected.  Accordingly, we are not persuaded by this assertion.                          
           3          As to claims 33, 34, 35, 36, and 40, the Appellants have recited the                    
           4    claim limitations without any argument for separate patentability.                            
           5    Accordingly, the Appellants have not persuaded us of error on the part of the                 
           6    examiner and we affirm this rejection,   See Bd. R. 37(c)(vii).                               
           7          (V) The Rejection of Claims 1, 3-10, 21, 25, 27, 30, 31, and 33-41                      
           8    under 35 U.S.C. §103(a) over Saito in view of Degner.                                         
           9          The Examiner found that Saito describes (Saito, col. 1, ll. 6-8) a low                  
          10    resistivity electrode in a parallel plate reaction chamber.  The electrode is                 
          11    single crystal silicon having a resistivity of 0.0001-40 ohm-cm (Saito, col. 1,               
          12    ll. 64-65, see also the specific examples in Table 1).  The electrode is                      
          13    coupled to RF sources and exposed to plasma, and has bores in it of 0.5 mm                    
          14    (0.02 inch).  (Examiner’s Answer, page 12, lines 10-21).                                      
          15          The Appellants urge that the Examiner has arbitrarily selected a                        
          16    particular portion of Degner’s range, which is much higher than Saito’s                       
          17    disclosed thickness, while disregarding other portions of Degner’s range that                 
          18    are below or above the thickness range recited in claim 1.  Finally, the                      
          19    Appellants also urge that Degner teaches minimizing the electrode thickness.                  
          20          As discussed above, Degner’s thickness range (0.1-2cm) (0.039 inch                      
          21    to 0.787 inch) (Degner, col. 4, ll. 32-34) substantially overlaps the range of                
          22    0.25 to 0.5 inches recited in claim 1, rendering the Appellants’ range                        
          23    selection obvious.  Further, the teaching of minimizing the electrode                         
          24    thickness is for purposes of economy and Degner in the same breath states                     
          25    that the electrode should be thick enough to last (Degner, col. 4, ll. 28-29).                


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