Ex Parte Hubacek et al - Page 39

                Appeal 2007-0127                                                                              
                Application 09/749,916                                                                        

           1    to modify Degner’s apparatus to use an electrode of electrical resistivity of                 
           2    less than 0.05 ohm-cm and a plurality of bores having diameters of 0.5 mm,                    
           3    as one of ordinary skill in the art would have been taught that such an                       
           4    electrode is suitable for plasma processing.  (Answer, p. 16, l. 12 – p. 17, l.               
           5    16).                                                                                          
           6          The Appellants urge that Saito discloses an electrode thickness of less                 
           7    than 0.2 inch, and Degner teaches to minimize electrode thickness.  (Br., p.                  
           8    38, ll. 16-20).  As discussed above, this argument was unpersuasive.                          
           9    Accordingly, we agree that the Examiner has met the burden of establishing                    
          10    obviousness, and the Appellants have not shown any error.                                     
          11          The Appellants also urge that the results in the Hubacek declaration                    
          12    established unobviousness.  (Br., p. 38, l. 21 – p. 39, l. 2).  We have found                 
          13    the Hubacek declaration unconvincing for the reasons cited above.                             
          14          The Appellants recite the limitations of  (1) Claims 21, 25, 31, and 37;                
          15    (2) 30, 33, and 38; (3) 34; (4) 35; (5) 36; (6) 39; (7) 40; and (8) 41 in                     
          16    separate headings from pages 39-42 of the Brief.  For (1) and (3)-(8) above,                  
          17    we again observe that reciting claim elements does not constitute a separate                  
          18    argument for patentability.                                                                   
          19          For claims 30, 33, and 38 the Appellants argue that Saito’s silicon                     
          20    sheet is “much thinner” than the electrode recited in claim 30.  (Br., p. 40, ll.             
          21    10-11).  The Appellants argue that Saito does not suggest modifying                           
          22    Degner’s electrode to result in the claim 30 electrode of thickness of about                  
          23    0.375 inch to 0.5 inch.  (Id., lines 14-17).                                                  
          24          We disagree.  The claimed range of claim 30 is no thinner than the                      
          25    thickness disclosed by Degner as suitable.  It is the combination of these two                


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